How Do I Get Rid of Death Thoughts?

Death thoughts are like waves of a sea. When we start getting these thoughts, they come back again and again. No one dies in fun, there are lots of killer thoughts and comments who provoke you to do so. But, the ultimate truth is that suicide is not a solution. You are not going to get anything after that rather you lose everything. 
call- 800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifelines. There are well-trained workers available 24*7 for you to talk and listen to your problems. 
The most important thing- I am always there with you. Just pick up your phone and write your problem here in the comment box. I promise you, I'll help you get out of those unwanted thoughts and feelings. 
To find the permanent solution, you need to find the cause first. Studies show that most of the people develop suicidal thoughts only after any big loss in life. For example- losing loved ones, financial crisis, insecurity, feeling of left alone. 

How do I get rid of death thoughts?
Avoid being in touch with toxic people, try to get involved in house works or with family members. You can call your friends to get out of that killer mental state. 
  1. Avoid Toxic People                                                                                                                             Stay away from that friend or family member whose presence makes you uneasy or makes you feel low. If possible cut off yourself from those people whose words poke you like a sward. It's totally fine if you don't like their company, just avoid them. Some research shows that a person stays happy than staying with toxic persons. Take some time and figure out who always tells you the truth and praise your good works too. Meet them and share your thoughts and feelings.
  2. Stay Hopeful                                                                                                                                You should always stay hopeful. Yeah, I know it's not that easy but I already have been through the situation and now I have developed the habit of finding good in every bad situation. this will take some time but believe me I'll change your life forever. Suppose you have failed in your examination and it's really not a good thing. You are feeling bad and very low. But you should think about do better in and prepare again for it. This time think like- if you will again prepare I'll take less time and labor and you'll learn more. And imagine the day when you'll be sharing the news that you are a topper in that exam. Isn't is a present feeling? You can do it. you can do anything just stay hopeful. 
  3. Get involved with family                                                                                                                Get in touch with your family or get involved with your family doesn't mean to get in touch with all your relatives. it might be more stressful to attain all family functions and meet relatives. Instead, you should spend more time with your mom dad and siblings. Cook with your mom, go out shopping with your dad watch movies with your siblings. These activities seem to be tough and boring initially but you'll have great fun. And You'll get some beautiful sweet memories to cherish and live you life with new hopes.
  4. Call Someone who is close to you                                                                                                   If you stay away from your family and there is no one to give you company, just call someone. Whenever bad thoughts of suicide come in your mind and you feel depressed, pick up your phone and try calling all of your close friends and loved ones. Call your mom, dad, or your sisters, talk to them recall some fun memories of childhood. This will make you feel relaxed and help you out of the suicidal thoughts. But, never try to call your ex in that situation, it can make it worst than bad. Call your best friend instead and talk about college and the happy times you have spent.
  5. Plan for vacation or outing with friends                                                                                       If suicidal thoughts repeatedly come in your mind, it'll be better to drop your works and plan a vacation or outing with friends. Outing and party with friends help in two ways. First of all, it'll help you to develop happy memories in your mind and your mind get relaxed and feels good. On the other hand, going out makes you feel tired and you felt asleep easily and stays away from unnecessary thoughts. 
  6. Start making new friends                                                                                                               This might sound awkward but the things that excite use helps a lot building good thoughts. You can message some of your Facebook or Instagram friends to whom you never interacted. I am not asking to flirt to make boyfriend or girlfriend. Just make some good friends talk about funny things that happened and happening. Enjoy each bit of conversation and that's it you'll start loving your life soon. 
  7. Listen to happy songs only (romantic is preferred)                                                                     Music can play a very important role in changing your mental state. listening to happy songs always can make you feel light and happy even in a tough situation. I recommend you to listen to some of your favorite romantic songs or fun songs. party songs are also good to play and enjoy but do not play any song that reminds you of anything bad that happened in your life in the past. 
  8. Start learning new things                                                                                                              Learning new things engage your brain in doing some new things. You'll not get time for thinking about bad things and always try to learn fun activities. Learn singing, playing guitar, cooking, painting or even gardening is amazing activity that brings positivity too. 
  9. Watch cartoons or funny shows sometimes                                                                                   I personally love watching cartoons. And I think I'm gonna love it till my death. The reason for watching cartoons is that it brings you to a totally unreal and different world. You start imagining that place and imagine yourself as a cartoon character. This gives a different level of satisfaction. If you are not a cartoon lover jut start watching and feeling yourself there in the television, it's great fun. 
  10. Take proper medicine                                                                                                                     If You have visited a psychiatrist and diagnosed with depression. never ever skip your medicines. Keep in mind medicines are for your well being and you are going to get well soon
  11. Paly with kids or animals                                                                                                           Whenever you feel low, you can play with your kids or someone's kid. Or just play with your dog or kitty. Believe me, these activities work as medicines. The smile of a kid and the cuddle of your dog can fill different positive energy into your body.  
  12. Avoid talking about depression                                                                                                      Keep in mind one thing, depressing is nothing. It is just a state of mind when things are not working and we feel low. But depression is a disease that infects those who use to talk about it more. Stop discussing it and talking about your problems all the time. Talk about good times of your life instead.  
Eat healthy foods, stay away from alcohol, and drink a sufficient amount of water. Along with these take proper medicine on time and sleep properly. You are a good person and you are going to achieve many things in your life just be patient. 
Thanks for paying a visit here. Don't forget to speak about your problems here. I'll help you out for sure.

(Tips by- Samridhi! Mental health expert)
