Haw to Stay Happy? Quotes for everyone

Happiness is something that we are all searching for and chasing for. But most of the people keep chasing it for the whole of his life. The reason is we actually do not the real meaning of happiness. Many think money is happiness, some think health or family is real happiness.
The meaning of happiness is different for each and every person. And almost no one can achieve real and complete happiness in life. Here are some quotes for you which can help you to understand happiness and also can help you to achieve it. 

"Happiness is the state of mind at which your heart feel satisfied"

"Happiness is letting go of the persons or things that are not working for you."

"Happiness actually comes to you when you stop chasing it"

"In order to have great happiness, you have to suffer through great pain"

"For me, Happiness and Satisfaction is the same thing we only feel happy when we are satisfied."

"Yes I have Lots of Happiness and I love Sharing it with others" 

Keep Smiling Always and Stay Happy :) 
